18e Journées Montoises

d'Informatique Théorique

September 5–9 2022, Prague


Invited speakers

  • Tatiana Starikovskaya (online)
  • Julien Leroy
  • Arseny Shur (online)
  • Sébastien Labbé
  • Zsuzsanna Lipták

Call for papers

The theme of the conference is word combinatorics and formal languages from different perspectives (combinatorial, algorithmic, dynamical, logic, …). The conference also welcomes other related branches of computer science and mathematics (number theory, computability, model checking, semigroups, game theory, discrete geometry, decentralized algorithms, bioinformatics, …).

We invite participants to submit abstracts of their contributions between 1 and 4 pages long.

Submission instructions

Please, submit abstracts via Easychair system. The deadline is May 29 June 10.

Accepted contributions

List of accepted contributions will be available on June 30, 2022.

  • Benoit Rittaud: Gray-like codes avoiding the factor 11 or the factor 00
  • Pamela Fleischmann, Lukas Haschke, Annika Huch, Annika Mayrock and Dirk Nowotka: Nearly $k$-Universal Words - Investigating a part of Simon's Congruence
  • Terefenko Alexandre: Adversarial formal semantics of attack trees and related problems
  • Alessandro De Luca and Gabriele Fici: Lie complexity of Sturmian words
  • Anne Bertrand Mathis: How enumerable substitutions manages the numeration of integers.
  • Hanka Řada and Štěpán Starosta: Periodicity of Multidimensional continued-fraction algorithms via the matrix representation
  • Sébastien Labbé and Jana Lepsova: A Fibonacci’s complement numeration system
  • Lucia Rossi, Jörg Thuswaldner and Niels Langeveld: On N-continued fraction words
  • Jérémy Scanvic and Anna Frid: An upper bound for the number of palindromic length profiles of binary words
  • Izabella Ingrid Farkas and Attila Kovács: Signatures of integer expansions in real quadratic fields
  • Chloé Boisson, Damien Jamet and Irène Marcovici: On a probabilistic extension of the Oldenburger-Kolakoski sequence
  • Lubomira Dvorakova, Daniela Opocenska and Edita Pelantova: Asymptotic repetitive threshold of balanced sequences
  • M. Hossein Shahzamanian: Identities of the Jones Monoid $\mathcal{J}_5$
  • Pierre Popoli: Maximum order complexity for some automatic and morphic sequences
  • Štěpán Holub, Martin Raška and Štěpán Starosta: Formalization of not primitivity preserving codes over a binary alphabet
  • Mélodie Andrieu and Léo Vivion: Imbalances in hypercubic billiard words
  • Clément Lagisquet and Laurent Vuillon: Boundary Word Factorisations for Tilings with Polyominoes or Polyiamonds under Group Actions
  • Jules Ribolzi: More examples of non automatic words arising from automatic constructions
  • Carole Porrier: Aperiodic Wang tilesets derived from cut and project tilings
  • Damien Galant, Cédric Pilatte and Christophe Troestler: Optimal bounds for geometric dilation and computer-assisted proofs
  • Srečko Brlek, Francesco Dolce, Shuo Li and Élise Vandomme: On the number of squares in a word
  • Sebastien Ferenczi, Pascal Hubert and Luca Zamboni: Language of (more and more) general interval exchanges
  • France Gheeraert: Morphic images of (eventually) dendric words
  • Émilie Charlier, Célia Cisternino and Savinien Kreczman: On Periodic Alternate Base Expansions
  • Émilie Charlier, Célia Cisternino, Zuzana Masáková and Edita Pelantová: Integers in real numeration systems
  • Herman Goulet-Ouellet: Pronilpotent quotients associated with minimal shift spaces


The program is available in pdf.


Overview of a preliminary schedule is given in the following table. Full schedule will be available after the announcement of the list of accepted contributions (i.e. approx July 1, 2020).

Day 1 (Sep 7, Mon) Day 2 (Sep 8, Tue) Day 3 (Sep 9, Wed) Day 4 (Sep 10, Thu) Day 5 (Sep 11, Fri)
9:30–10:30 Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk Invited talk
10:30–11:00 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
11:00–12:30 Contributed talks Contributed talks Contributed talks Contributed talks
12:30–14:00 Registration, Opening Lunch Lunch Lunch Conference closing
14:00–15:00 Contributed talks Contributed talks Contributed talks
15:00–15:30 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
15:30-17:00 Contributed talks Contributed talks Contributed talks
19:00– Conference diner

Registration & Fee

Conference fee is 60 €, paid in cash upon arrival.

The registration has been closed.

(*) Due to the current sanctions against Russian institutions and their implementation at CTU, we cannot accept participation by researchers who list a Russian or Belarusian institution as their affiliation. We welcome participation by researchers of every nationality, provided they register to the conference either as individual researchers (i.e. by listing “Individual researcher” as their affiliation), or listing another affiliation to an institution that is not located in the above-mentioned countries.

List of participants

1Petr AmbrožFNSPE, Czech Technical University
2Mélodie AndrieuBar-Ilan University
3Moussa BarroUniversité Nazi BONI
4Anne Bertrand MathisUniversity of Poitiers France
5Chloé BoissonENS de Lyon
6Julien CassaigneInstitut de mathématiques de Marseille
7Célia CisterninoUniversité de Liège
8Alessandro De LucaUniversità di Napoli Federico II
9Francesco DolceFIT, ČVUT
10Lubomíra DvořákováFNSPE Czech Technical University in Prague
11Izabella Ingrid FarkasDepartment of Computer Algebra, Eötvös Loránd University
12Sébastien FerencziInstitut de Mathématiques de Marseille
13Gabriele FiciUniversità di Palermo
14Pamela FleischmannKiel University
15Anna FridAix-Marseille Université
16Damien GalantUniversité de Mons
17France GheeraertUniversity of Liège
18Herman Goulet-OuelletCenter for Mathematics, University of Coimbra
19Lukas HaschkeKiel University
20Štěpán HolubCharles University, Prague
21Annika HuchKiel University
22Émilie CharlierUniversité de Liège
23Damien JametLoria -- Lorraine University
24Karel KloudaFIT CTU in Prague
25Elżbieta KrawczykJagiellonian University in Krakow
26Savinien KreczmanUniversité de Liège
27Clément LagisquetUniversité Savoie Mont-Blanc / CNRS
28Jana LepšováUniversité de Bordeaux / Czech Technical University
29Shuo LIUniversité du Québec à Montréal
30Zuzana MasákováFNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague
31Daniela OpočenskáFNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague
32Edita PelantováCzech Technical University in Prague
33Pierre PopoliUniversité de Lorraine
34Carole PorrierLIPN, Université Paris 13
35Antoine RenardUniversité de Liège (ULiège)
36Jules RibolziEcole normale supérieure de Lyon
37Benoît RittaudUniversité Sorbonne Paris Nord
38Joel RivatAix-Marseille University
39Lucía RossiMontanuniversität Leoben, Austria
40Hanka ŘadaFNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague
41M. Hossein ShahzamanianUniversidade do Porto
42Štěpán StarostaCzech Technical University in Prague
43Pierre StasUniversity of Liège
44Manon StipulantiUniversity of Liège
45Pierre-Adrien TahayCzech Technical University
46Alexandre TerefenkoIRISA / Université de Mons
47Viola VavryčukováFNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague
48Markus WhitelandUniversité de Liège

Contact: jm20@km.fjfi.cvut.cz Dept. of Mathematics, FNSPE CTU, Trojanova 13, 120 00 Praha, Czech Republic